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Showing posts from February, 2019

Mani Monday: DIY Matte Nails

Matte nails have been in style for quite some time now. I believe it's something that will always be there despite not every single person using it. And you will see some people using it because it does look sophisticated and it does look perfect with some nail styles. When all of the matte nail rave came along you could buy either the nail polish that had a matte finish or you could use one of your favorite shades and apply a matte topcoat when done. However, these options were a bit pricey because everything that is a new trend is always pricey. I really wanted to do this to my nails and so I went onto Pinterest and looked for alternative options. And that is when I came upon this pin: Yes! A DIY matte top coat! It's from a blog called Pretty Gossip and on this post, she explains how you can make this at home. I loved ready her post and then went to check out her other things and I must say I love that blog! She also shows some hacks and more DIY stuff that...