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Mani Monday: Black Vintage Floral

One of my favorite things to pin about are nail designs, in fact, if you check out my weheartit account, that will be one of my top things to save. I believe that we should all show ourselves a little bit of love and one way is by taking care of yourself. And this isn't to impress someone but to feel happy about yourself. I am not a professional nail artist BUT I love trying out different designs on my nails.

I had seen on Pinterest and WeHeartIt a vintage nail design that I just fell in love with! But I really didn't have the colors needed and I was scared I wouldn't be able to do them good because all I had to work with were toothpicks and q-tips. But then I saw one on Pinterest from a Tumblr account and it was perfect! And I actually had the colors needed! 

So I found a Pin on how to make this beautiful vintage floral design by Renata Princess. Her website is in Portuguese but if you look at the tutorials tab there is no need to know the language to see how it's done! She has a bunch of great nail tutorials which I LOVE! 
This is the Pin that I found, as you can see it doesn't have a step by step explanation of how to do the design but it's not hard to understand what to do. 

This is what I did for my design:

1- Paint one coat of your background color. I wanted one like the top one so I did a black color
2- Using a q-tip, tab a small circle of light pink nail polish
3- (This is an extra that I did to follow the top picture) Using a toothpick, put a small dot of red nail polish.
4- (back to the picture) Using the dry tip of the q-tip, swirl the two colors together going towards one direction. It may look a bit weird and maybe awful, but don't worry, it will look great at the end!
5- You can either use a toothpick or whatever works best for you, and add leaves using a dark green nail polish.
6- (something extra) add some small dots of the light nail polish using a toothpick.
7- put a top layer of clear nail polish

And this was my final result: 

I'm not a professional but I felt happy with my results! And now I've seen more pins with different methods of this design, I can't wait to try them out! This Pin was great and as you can see, you can personalize it however you want. Have you tried doing the floral nail design?


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